NTU invite you to Profiting By Design
Join Nottingham Trent University (NTU) and Innovate UK for a unique “designathon” event that will help your business discover funding opportunities and learn how to profit by design.

Profiting By Design

Innovate UK in the East Midlands
Wednesday 14 November 2018
9 am – 5 pm
Clifton Campus, Nottingham Trent University

We invite businesses to discover how to profit from design, meet others, and explore potential partnerships. Guests can also take part in a unique “designathon” that will help them profit from design.
We’ll be promoting local agency funding opportunities and support services. We’ll also provide an exclusive chance to learn about millions of pounds in national and local funding to support innovation and design for your organisation.

Content will include:

National innovation fundingPaul Mason, Innovate UK, Director – Commercialisation & Open
Business speakers sharing how they have innovated and profited by design
Impacting Business by Design
Professor Peter Ford
Business support and local innovation and design funding workshopsA. Impacting business by design, and funding to apply design in your business to build profits.
B. Grants support on national funding opportunities to win grants for your business.
C. Innovate 2 Succeed – funding for coaching and mentoring for high growth.
D. Funding for businesses to work with universities on strategic innovation.
E. Business support services and local funding opportunities.
A fast and fun design challenge. You’ll have the chance to use design thinking techniques to quickly explore an issue and prioritise action for business.

To find out more and reserve your place, visit the Innovate UK website.
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