The Beech Academy is a small school for children with Autism and Learning Difficulties in Mansfield.

They are asking local businesses and Mansfield & Ashfield 2020 members to support them by offering work place experiences for our young people.

They’ve written:
Current data from Mencap (2017) shows that only 6% of people with learning difficulties in the UK are currently in employment, despite over 65% wanting to be.  We are sure you will agree this is a worrying statistic as this cohort are able to offer so much to the work place.  We are trying to help change this and give our pupils chance to develop employability skills through access to appropriate experiences while at school.
Pupils at the Beech Academy follow a curriculum very similar to a mainstream school and work towards GCSEs’ in English, Maths and Science alongside other vocational based courses by the end of Year 11.  In Post 16 they focus on Functional Skills in English and Maths while working on a life skills programme.  To further enhance our curriculum offer and provide valuable experiences for our young people, particularly in Post 16, we are looking to engage local employers who could provide work experience opportunities for our pupils.  This may be as a block, or on set days each week and depending on the pupils needs we would be able to provide a member of staff to support the pupil.
We are sure you will agree as a local employer it would be a fantastic opportunity for you to engage with a local school and provide essential opportunities for our pupils. It also gives your business the opportunity to utilise our talented and enthusiastic pupils at no cost to your business.
Please contact us using the following details or alternatively we would be happy to arrange a meeting.
Many thanks,
Adrian O’Malley                                                                               Emily Revill
Headteacher                                                                                   Enterprise Advisor/School Governor
The Beech Academy I Fairholme Drive I Mansfield, Nottinghamshire I England I NG19 6DX
Phone: (01623) 626008  Email: [email protected]
Chief Executive Officer: Claire-Marie Cuthbert
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