To say that this year has flown past would be an understatement but even in amongst all of the confusion and uncertainty there have been many great people and organisations rolling up their sleeves to get out there and help those in need. Your local papers, the News Journal and The Sherwood, have never stopped sharing their news with you all, because we believe at difficult times sharing good news is more important than ever before.
We wouldn’t have been able to continue sharing information, supporting the community and still reaching more homes every month than any other local media without the support of our loyal advertisers and our readers, who have continued to pick up their copy of the papers every month. For this, we thank you so very much. Please don’t forget to share your good news with us, [email protected].
“A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.” – Henry Ford
We all need to keep moving forward and recent research commissioned by *JIGREG*, found that print enjoys the most attention of any ad format. It went on to say that print boosts the effectiveness of other platforms in multi-channel campaigns; 45% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after seeing a print ad and 58% of consumers trust print advertising to be more honest than they do other platforms.
*audience data for local media in print and online*
Of-course, the secret of successful contemporary marketing is multi-channel. You can advertise your business or group in the News Journal and Sherwood from as little as £7.20 per month and we also support you digitally on social media and through our website. We also distribute a weekly News Journal newsletter to over 3,000 people that we are also able to carry your company message to.
We have a very attractive half price offer available until January, if taken in October. We are now working on the October editions of the papers and the September editions are available to pick up and view from our website
Once again thank you for your support. if you’d like further information regarding marketing with The News Journal and Sherwood please call me on 01623 70 70 17 or email me [email protected]. Last month we also successfully launched the Newark News Journal, which has been amazingly well received.