Through their Research and Campaign team Citizens Advice Ashfield, in partnership with Ashfield District Council , will be raising the issues around fuel poverty for all vulnerable residents in Ashfield this winter.
What is Fuel Poverty?
Fuel poverty is traditionally measured simply by calculating the cost to provide energy to a household against its income. If this is greater than 10% than that household is regarded as ‘In Fuel Poverty’ e.g. monthly income = £1000, energy costs = £120 per month (12%).
The Campaign
Citizens Advice will be campaigning for people in Ashfield to make a pledge to offer help to help vulnerable people close to them to stay warm and lower fuel costs at home.
The campaign will involve running several events in the Ashfield area in partnership with Ashfield District Council and through social media, with particular focus on the elderly and those most vulnerable to fuel poverty.
Kathryn Stacey CEO at Citizens Advice Ashfield said ‘Fuel poverty is caused by low incomes, high energy prices and energy inefficient housing. National Energy Action (NEA) state that cold homes are currently a bigger killer across the UK than road accidents, alcohol or drug abuse. ‘
‘We can help address the issues of fuel poverty by encouraging people to stay warm and well whilst reducing their energy bills, maximising income and improving the energy efficiency of their homes.’
‘We will be running a campaign in Ashfield and asking people to pledge to check on an elderly or vulnerable neighbour or family member who may be suffering from fuel poverty this winter.’
‘We don’t want families choosing between eating or heating or being well this winter.’
Paul Parkinson, Ashfield District Council Director for Housing & Assets said “We are once again working closely with CAB to help tackle the issue of fuel poverty in the District. We want residents to stay warm and well this winter and encourage people to come along to one of our events.
“The Council is committed to working with partners like CAB to ensure that as many residents as possible are able to heat their homes this winter without it being a choice of eating or heating.”

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