Ashfield District Council has performed above and beyond over the past 12 months.
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the Council has not only continued to deliver high quality services across the District but also additional services such as payment of covid-19 business grants and making our high streets safe for shoppers
Cllr Jason Zadrozny, Leader of Ashfield District Council said “Despite the pandemic Ashfield District Council successfully continued the delivery of all its services through the pandemic, the only Council in Nottinghamshire to achieve this.
“The Council sets out its ambitions and priorities for the next few years in the Corporate Plan. This is reviewed every year to ensure we are delivering on our priorities and to the standard expected by residents.”
Over the past 12 months the Council has worked together effectively as ‘one council’, re-deploying staff into important roles outside of their normal duties to ensure services continued, as well as delivering humanitarian services to vulnerable residents across the District.
Successes delivered by Ashfield District Council in the past 12 months include:
Cllr Zadrozny continues “The pandemic has had a huge impact on how the Council delivers its services, but from the beginning we were committed to residents still receiving the high level of service they expect. The Council has fantastic officers who have worked above and beyond during the past year and I want to thank them for all their hard work.”
The next 12 months are set to be an exciting time for the Council with a range of major projects completing and even more starting.
The Leisure Transformation programme will see the improvement works at Lammas and Hucknall Leisure Centres completed. Building work at the new Kirkby Leisure Centre will continue, with everything on track for a 2022 opening.
Housing projects bringing over 70 new social housing homes to the District will start or be completed.
Over £500k in investments will continue in our parks and green spaces, including the opening of the new Hornbeam Park in Kirkby
Moor Market, the new indoor market on Kirkby will open offering a range of artisan traders and fresh barista made coffee.
Projects funded by the Towns Fund and Future High Streets Fund will move forward including the Automated Distribution and manufacturing Centre, Renovating Sutton Community Academy theatre and the creation of a maker space.
Cllr Zadrozny is looking forward to another year of success for the Council, saying “The Council has so many amazing projects in the pipeline at the moment. The £62.6mTowns Fund funding is going to have a significant impact on the whole area, our leisure offer is set to some of the best in the area and we are committed to adding new, high quality housing to our housing stock.
“The Council is committed to making Ashfield a nice place to live, work and visit. We are proud of all we achieved last year, and excited for what we will deliver in the next 12 months.”