The WeMakeICTPossible campaign has launched a second phase in its aim to tackle digital poverty across Mansfield and Ashfield.
The WeMakeICTPossible campaign, founded in November 2020 and run by three local business owners, aims to tackle digital poverty by providing ICT equipment to children and young people who are without this technology at home in the Mansfield and Ashfield areas. To date, the campaign has donated to 240 families across 21 schools and colleges with another 100 families due to receive a donation soon.
A third of families in Mansfield and Ashfield do not have technology at home and without this core digital infrastructure, children and young people are unable to access education and interact with their friends via social media and games; all of which has detrimental effects.
The team behind the campaign has also found that digital poverty is more than just a lack of digital equipment, it is a lack of digital knowledge. Digital poverty is therefore no longer simply a concern for education but also for current and future generations’ employment.
Automation, for instance, is becoming more prevalent within several sectors including manufacturing and transport but a large number of children, young people and even adults do not have the digital acumen to even apply for automation-based jobs.
The WeMakeICTPossible campaign is therefore launching a second phase which will focus on three key areas:

  • Develop a steering group with digital & community partners to widen ICT provision
  • Support children & young people with gaining ICT qualifications
  • Develop digital hubs for families to access ICT resources & training


Martin Rigley, one of the co-founders of the campaign, said “Society is becoming more and more reliant upon technology. Whilst we are extremely grateful for the support to date through equipment and monetary donations, this is no longer sufficient enough if we are to tackle digital poverty and effectively support our community. What use is a computer to a child / young person / family if they do not how to use it? The ICT campaign endeavours to respond to what the community needs in a bid to tackle digital poverty. Initially this was the need for ICT equipment but now there is also a need for ICT knowledge and so it is important we adapt our campaign and launch this second phase. This second phase is important if we are to continue our drive to tackle digital poverty in Mansfield and Ashfield and provide our community with the tools and knowledge to meet the requirements of the current and future economy”.

If you would like to support the WeMakeICTPossible campaign, please contact the team via social media (Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn) about donations of usable laptops / computers / tablets. To make a charitable donation, this can be made via

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