Nottinghamshire County Council is now able to work with other employers, supporting them to take on new apprentices and to develop existing employees. The Council can transfer funds to employers for new apprenticeship starts, particularly where the funds will create an apprenticeship that would not have been created without the transfer.
The fund supports Nottinghamshire businesses to take on new apprentices and to develop their existing employees.
The apprenticeship levy is already giving employers the opportunity to invest in high quality training, helping to get the skilled workforce needed to thrive, succeed and grow their business.
The Council is now able to work with more employers, supporting them to take on new apprentices and to develop existing employees. This is all part of the Council’s recovery plan to support businesses to help the economy grow. It is a crucial time for businesses to look at taking on an apprentice, with this news brought to you on the back of the Government’s recent announcement of incentive payments for new apprenticeship starts and existing incentives for young people.
This can include new apprentices or existing employees undertaking an apprenticeship.
Read more about the Apprenticeship Levy and how to apply here


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