East Midlands Chamber’s annual Employability and Skills Summit is now less than a month away and they hope you can join them on the day for this important topic.
Delivering against the Chamber goal to “Support the development of current and future workforce in the East Midlands” the 2019 Summit will, through a number of keynote presentations, panel discussions and workshops explore two key themes: Bridging the Gap: Improving the link between education and employers and How do we deliver the workforce employers in the East Midlands demand.
The Summit is aimed at business representatives – particularly those individuals responsible for the HR function within the organisation – business owners, representatives from the education sector, policymakers and business representation organisations and will provide practical takeaways for delegates.
For all the detail and to reserve your place please visit their event page here
On the day there will also be a range of keynote presentations, an opportunity to choose between twelve workshops, meet a number of exhibitors and network over refreshments and lunch.
If you have any queries on this please contact [email protected]

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