Please find detail of a series of events, delivered in partnership with Nottinghamshire County Council, for those businesses who want to improve and expand business development opportunities and to make themselves supply chain fit. The sessions will provide an understanding of what potential opportunities are available and how to ensure that your business can comply with the demands of the procurement process either as a direct supplier or in the supply chain.
As the Government plans to bring forward infrastructure investment, promising to “build back better, build back greener, build back faster” – this is the time to ensure your business is ready to take advantage of these opportunities and be fit to supply.
These events are open to all businesses and free of charge to attend:

Top 10 pitfalls in Contract Management – 21 July (10.00-11.00am)

This 1-hour introductory webinar is to introduce the concept of Contract Management and Contracting to those new to the principle, using the ‘Top 10 Pitfalls of Contracting’ example to illustrate how businesses can immediately improve how they develop and use contracts to both buy and win new business. We will use actual examples to show you have much money can be saved and how relationships with your customers and suppliers can be enhanced by implementing good contracting and procurement practices across your business.
What will be covered?

  • Introduction to Contract Management and Contracting
  • The top 10 pitfalls of contracting
  • Contract Management Presentation from Nottinghamshire County Council – Hazel Johnson, Contracts Officer
  • Q&A

For all the detail and to reserve your place please click here

Best Practice for embedding EDI into your business delivered by HS2 Ltd – 3 August (10.00-11.00am)

HS2 has set high EDI contractual requirements and it is expected that the supply chain will deliver these, they expect contractors to share their commitment, demonstrate good practice and address the challenges in the delivery of this major infrastructure project.
This session will detail how HS2 engage with contractors and how they will be asked to set out a clear plan with evidence of how they embed EDI within their organisation and their supply chains – with key areas of focus on recruitment models, and supplier diversity. The session also informs those organisations throughout the supply chain, supports best practice for businesses when tendering for public sector contracts and looks beyond just policy.
On the day the session will be delivered by Osita Madu, Senior Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager Supply Chain, HS2 Ltd
For all the detail and to reserve your place please click here

Winning business and building resilience with ISO Standards delivered by BSI – 18 August (10.00-11.00am)

Business of all shapes and sizes are frequently being asked to demonstrate their compliance with standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 when either tendering for new business opportunities or looking to grow the work they do with existing customers. But what are these standards, why are they being asked for and what benefits do they bring to your business?
In this session, BSI, the UK’s leading ISO certification body with over 115 years of experience of working with Standards, will run through some of the key standards you are likely to be asked for, the concepts behind them and the steps required for achieving the necessary certification to demonstrate your excellence when bidding for work.
ISO Standards are designed to be suitable for organisations of all sizes across all industries. Whether you are looking to win construction work from HS2, or provide digital services to the NHS, they are bound to be relevant.
For all the detail and to reserve your place please click here

Contract Opportunities at the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games – 8 September (10.00-11.00am)

Birmingham’s hosting of the upcoming 2022 Commonwealth Games will see a benefit of a £778 million investment to stage the 2022 Commonwealth Games, in turn this investment will create a wide range of opportunities for East Midlands business.
The investment will deliver significant benefits across the UK long after the 11 days of sport in 2022 are over. Birmingham 2022 will open up a wealth of opportunities for people across the Midlands region, including cultural engagement, business and trade, volunteering, physical activity, jobs and skills, education and tourism. The Games provide an important opportunity for local and regional suppliers, with the Games partners already working with businesses to ensure that they make the most of these prospects.
To ensure that regional businesses are ready to bid for contracts and supply chain opportunities associated with the games, to create the maximum local economic benefit that the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games present, Fiona Adams MSc, Head of Procurement for the Commonwealth Games will provide delegates with:

  • Detail on the broad scope of opportunities arising from Birmingham 2022
  • An understanding of the expectations that suppliers need to adhere to
  • Information on the procurement processes currently in place
  • An overview of the Birmingham 2022 Business Portal, and how to identify where the opportunities are to be found as they arise (All contracts over a value of £10k will be advertised via the portal)
  • Advice on how to make a compelling pitch for the 2022 contracts

For all the detail and to reserve your place please click here

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