Brambles Florists are offering an Orchid Porto Box for delivery only whilst we are in these strange times of forced shop closure.
Brambles Florist said:
“We have chosen to offer the Orchid Porto Box as the flowers are long-lasting and they stay in the box they are presented in, we can drop them at the door in order to maintain the safe distance rules. The box can be placed in the house and you only need to top up with water in the centre of the box.
“We have had to put the website to show closed to online orders. Should you want to order an Orchid Porto Box, then call the shop number 01623 656434 as this is diverted through to Chris. If it goes to voicemail please leave a contact number and name and Chris will call you back to take further details.
“We will also add FOC some Wild Flower seeds for you to plant in your garden or scatter where allowed on your daily exercise.”
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