During these uncertain times, all businesses are under pressure to continue ‘business as usual’, but the reality is we can’t continue as though nothing has changed – so how do you adapt your business and your marketing strategies during COVID19?
Here are my 5 top tips – keeping you on top of the game and ready to go when normality returns.
Be helpful, understanding and honest during this difficult time. If your planned marketing activities don’t take into account your customers mindset during this time, you may be seen as insensitive. Have you noticed how the major supermarkets have scraped their ‘fluffy, happy Easter campaigns’ for campaigns based around safety? Be brave and do the same! Sticking with your plans because it cost you time and money may cost you more in the long run in brand damage.
Be mindful of peoples new working patterns. Young professionals with families are now tasked with homeschooling duties as well as working. We are 24/7 now so expect late emails and phones.
Look at your brand value proposition – can you offer your customers a different benefit? Is there something that you do that you don’t usually shout about but it’s very relevant today?
Now is the time to stay visible and have a presence in front of your clients and prospects.
Do you usually say you don’t have time for social media, blogs or news stories? Now is the time!
Work on creating really good pieces of content that is going perform for you because if you don’t your competitors will be spending this time doing it! Research your keywords, check your website meta descriptions, audit your SEO. Plan your social media messages. Update your brand’s tone of voice – does it reflect your business today or where it was 5 years ago? Are you consistent across all your channels?
COVID19 is not your fault, so don’t shy away from being open about how it’s changed your business and communicate what you are doing about it. Provide reassurance to your customers – if you are still operating as usual, then be open about what measures you have put in place to do so.
Have you set your workers up at home? Show it! Communicate any operational issues but always offer a solution.
Capture testimonials! How many times have you chased customers that are busy for a testimonial? Now is the time to stay in contact and get customers to reflect and remember the excellent service you provided.
Look at your user experience and see how you can start to improve your offerings and journey to convert more sales. Start looking at your google analytics and social media engagement. Set KPI’s and start assessing what is working and where you spend budget and time – is it performing? Are you reaching your business goals with your existing marketing strategy and activities?
Now isn’t the time to isolate your business! It’s important to be seen! So ask yourself – What can you do for your supply chain? Who are your partners? Who is in your business network? Are you engaged with the local business community and media platforms?
If your business cannot operate during COVID19 then keep in touch with your community and start talking to the wider network and those that ordinarily help you run your business.
Work together to raise the profile of others and support each other by promoting their news stories.
Martin Rigley MBE, MD of Lindhurst Engineering and local business leader has stated that Economists are saying we will ramp out of this as fast as it descended on us. If this is the case – then I would strongly recommend that you use this time to dominate your industry and be stronger than ever.
My 5 top tips do not cost anything but time and goodness knows we have time during COVID19.
I’ll be giving away free marketing templates that can be downloaded from my website to help companies get started and adapt their marketing strategies. They will help you realign your marketing to reflect this current environment and help plan positive actions that will have an impact when we are out of this v shaped depression.
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch with any questions or advice via my social media platforms or email: [email protected] or call 07736318104 (remember I have 3 kids 4 and under my working hours have changed – I’m adapting to COVID19 too).