The Green Hub is a network session for low carbon/sustainability/pro-environmental goods and services provided by the D2N2 Growth Hub for Nottingham businesses.
This network is hosted by Tracey Hylton (Low Carbon Account Manager, D2N2 Growth Hub) and presented by Helen Taylor, who will support you to learn more about sustainability principles and discover a range of practical steps you can take to integrate sustainability into your business.
The Green Hub will bring together SMEs who are Nottingham-based, (trading in environmentally friendly goods and services), to have the opportunity to engage and share.
Benefits include:

  • Building and establishing a trusted local network of low carbon companies
  • The opportunity to have 1-2-1 information, diagnostics and brokerage
  • Improve D2N2 engagement enabling access to packages of free and match-funded business support
  • Finding solutions to your business opportunities and challenges
  • Share insight and intelligence of the wider agenda and other networks

The Green Hub will bring together SMEs who are Nottingham-based to have the opportunity to engage and share. The aim of the first two meetings to be delivered in February and March will be to explore:

  • ‘Open mike’ –  to share and understand exactly what your business support needs are – to help grow your business
  • What you think is the best format for the meetings: themed, use expert speakers etc.?
  • What are your priorities for business growth?
  • How the D2N2 Growth Hub can help your company through business support.

1st Hub meeting:
Date: Tuesday 23rd February
Media: Microsoft Teams
Time: 4pm – 5.30pm
Guest speakers:
Helen Taylor, Director of Hosta Consulting
Russell Burton, Director of Hillside Environmental Services
Click here to book now
2nd Hub meeting:
Date: Tuesday 23rd March
Media: Microsoft Teams
Time: 4pm – 5.30pm
Guest speaker: Helen Taylor, Director of Hosta Consulting
RSVP by COP Friday  12th February 2021 

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