Mansfield and Ashfield 2020 Chair, Gary Jordan, felt that there were many worthy causes in the area that would benefit more from an annual payment that is usually made to the Chair of the Board to cover additional expenses or time devoted to the role.
After seeking approval from the M&A 2020 board of directors, Gary and the vice-chair, Jane Box agreed that given the year and the situations that many of our local community members faced, rather than banking the £1250 available, they would split it across the region to try and reach as many different deserving causes as possible.
The money was split into amounts of £250 and as a result, 2020 were able to offer support to the following causes:
Portland College New Start Hall campaign M&A 2020 have sponsored a seat in the New Start Hall in what is set to be a very ambitious multi-use facility incorporating state of the art technology. Portland College has been the home base for the popular 2020 breakfast meetings for many years now and we felt it was right that we support this campaign.
This innovative project will see Newstart transform into a contemporary multi-use sports and performance facility where learners can explore their creativity and develop performance skills in an ultra-modern theatre environment or build on their sport and exercise techniques through customised flooring layouts using the state-of-the-art LED glass floor.
For more details take a look here.
Let’s All Eat The Covid-19 pandemic has seen an increase in demand for the food parcels that are made up and delivered by volunteers from Let’s All Eat at the Ashfield Community Academy, resulting in the food bank needing funds and more drivers.
The foodbank is a not-for-profit organisation which was launched to help people through this difficult time.
They have been delivering food parcels to up to 140 homes each week as the pandemic has taken its toll. M&A 2020 donated £250 to help cover the cost of the volunteer’s petrol.
To find out how you can help take a look at their facebook page.
#makingITpossible The pandemic highlighted a need for children to have access to computers along with an internet connection at home to access the offsite learning provided whilst they were expected to learn at home. Sadly, there is a huge digital divide in the homes across the Mansfield and Ashfield areas and children from poorer families have no access to the facilities needed to complete work at home, there are many who do not even have a broadband connection.
Although children have returned to school, they still need to catch up with what they have missed, the pandemic will leave a huge gap in the span of those children’s learning that, without the adequate resources, will never be bridged.
The #makingITpossible campaign has been asking everyone to donate redundant IT equipment and funds to purchase internet connection or to sanitise any donated items in readiness for gifting to young people who do not have the home access needed.
M&A 2020 are committed to helping to develop the next generation of business leaders and we can only do this by making sure that the opportunities are available to them so #makingITpossible was an ideal recipient of another portion of the fund available.
Learn more about the campaign here.
Elizabeth Orridge Photography Christmas Hamper Campaign Once again Elizabeth Orridge downed her camera during lockdown and donned her ‘make a difference’ cap. As a trustee at Evolve she had been talking to a member of staff who had highlighted just how difficult it had been for families who had lost jobs due to the pandemic and now had to wait to receive any welfare benefits due to the rules. Genuine families in need who were having to do without daily essentials such as soap and toothpaste just to get by.
Lizzie came up with a plan to get local people to get involved and put a shout out for help in her local community and help they did, between the donations received from locals and a donation of £250 from M&A 2020 she was able to prepare over 130 hampers to send out to local families to make a difference to their Christmas. An initiative that 2020 were very proud to support. It certainly highlights the great community spirit of area and something that we should all celebrate!
Mansfield District Council Sponsor a Bauble Appeal M&A 2020 usually get everyone that walks through the doors of our Christmas Breakfast meeting to rummage in their pockets for any spare cash they may have to purchase raffle tickets and donate to the Ashfield and Mansfield District Councils Christmas Lights Funds. The pandemic left us with limited options, so the campaign run by MDC to raise funds to help out local foodbanks and soup kitchens was an ideal choice.
Gary Jordan, Chair of 2020 said “I am proud to be involved with helping the council and many others during these challenging times. I decided to forego remuneration, feeling that it would be of greater benefit to distribute it equally to some of the fantastic and worthy causes around the area. Ensuring food is on the table for local people is one that we at Mansfield and Ashfield 2020 are proud to be involved with.”
If you can help any of the appeals above, then please get involved where you can.