Unfortunately, as the increase in numbers of positive COVID 19 cases and the signs of hospitalisation increasing too Nottinghamshire has been moved from the watch list to Tier 2 (High) level in the Governments new 3 tier COVID control process.
Whilst unwelcome to many, it was inevitable, and we must do our best to work together to comply with the rules.
I have highlighted the resilience of the Mansfield and Ashfield businesses and the wider community over the past 7 months or so and still see that many can come through the next challenges if we all pull together and support each other in any way we can.
Our bars and restaurants are being asked to adapt once again which will be a tough ask but if we can support them when possible they have a chance to survive.
I do not wish to get into the complexities of the new arrangements as it is only right that everyone has their own viewpoint. However, it is vitally important that no matter your opinion that we put our businesses at the forefront of our thinking and do our bit to help.
That may be having an hour outside a pub with a friend, it may be having a meal with just your partner. It may mean continuing to work from home or if not possible then ensuring you attend work supporting your employer’s efforts, wear face coverings, wash regularly and where practicable and possible socially distance.
Please do not shrink back to meeting at home and defeating the objectives.
At M&A 2020 breakfast meetings, JUST Networking events, our sector specific workshops and peer group knowledge transfer sessions I continue to state that a collaborative will to work together and support each other will help us build solid foundations for the future, and more than ever I believe this to be true.
On a lighter note thank you to all who attended our recent inaugural virtual awards ceremony.
Jane and I had a lot of fun putting the show out, and we appear to have made a few of you laugh, following some lovely comments received.
It was absolutely fantastic to see all finalists dressed to kill and being very interactive on the day. It was just a shame we could not facilitate more members or the general public as a bit of light heartedness goes a long way these days. Please take a look at our
website to see pics and link to a video of the event.
Thanks, must go to Ella McManus who worked with myself tirelessly to pull everything together.
And thanks to Elizabeth Orridge for helping out and finally to all M&A 2020 Board members for their suggestions and ideas.
The last week or so has seen the Queens Birthday awards given out for people doing exceptional things during some really challenging times and I applaud all of them, well done.
On behalf of myself and M&A 2020 I supported the #ppe4nhs campaign which was a resounding success locally and eventually nationally. Something I am certainly proud to have been involved in and which brought Malcolm Healey, who was lead co-ordinator, an MBE.
The list of OBE’s and MBE’s in our region is increasing which again showcases the talent and the community spirit we have.
Attending a recent presentation surrounding a project to build a STEM centred educational visitor centre attraction at the Sherwood Observatory, I was minded of the work being done by both Ashfield District Council & Mansfield District Council in producing compelling narratives for the Towns fund bids that, should they be successful, will allow other great projects to be put in place to improve the town centre aesthetics, the leisure and wellbeing opportunities, creation of jobs and skills enhancements as well as helping to raise the aspirations of both our young people and those unfortunate to become COVID casualties in terms of employment.
The projects will also be aimed at retention of talent and the start of lobbying for inward investment to see our area grow.
All exciting stuff.
At M&A 2020 we will continue with our virtual JUST Networking events. The next being
Tuesday 20thOctober at 12.30pm.
Our virtual breakfast meetings will continue, Thursday 26
thNovember and Thursday 17
thDecember so we hope you will continue to engage with our speakers and with your peers.
I have said in most of my correspondences that I would like existing members to renew, to talk to friends, business associates and the wider business community to join our group as we push forward with the vision of how we will continue to give excellent support and to be more involved in the issues that matter and can be influenced by having a large collective voice.
If membership is not your thing then involvement should be. Get in touch, visit our website (new one under build shortly), engage with our sessions and your peers, but most of all never think you are on your own.
For anyone interested please contact us at
[email protected]or
[email protected].
Many thanks to all who have attended our programme of events during 2020, we look forward to seeing and engaging with you through the Autumn/Winter period.
Have a great weekend