This week saw the first signs of relief from the lockdown restrictions around the UK, and as with many things, opinion was divided.
No matter our political stance we must all work to one clear message if we are to bounce back as smoothly as we can. That is to support each other and help each other, whilst being both sensible and practicable in how we react.
This week saw M&A 2020 continue to work hard behind the scenes with our new vision, mission and values work. Building up to a new, exciting and hopefully beneficial network and business support group.
To aid this process we launched the Business Landscape survey, from which there are some interesting themes emerging. The results of the survey once completed will be published to members, but will also be used in conjunction with feedback from the inaugural video conference networking session which was well organised and well put together (thank you Ella McManus & Jane Box), to help steer us to a selection of webinar, peer group and member sector specific sessions going forward.
The aim obviously being to offer as much information and support to both members and the wider business community as we can to get our local economy back on track.
We will share our findings with ADC (Discover Ashfield) and MDC (Mansfield Making Place) boards to ensure we all pull in the same direction, avoiding duplication where possible and as said earlier, collaboratively succeeding.
I would like to give thanks once again all the local people and businesses who have offered free services and their own time for the good of the vulnerable and less fortunate in these very testing times. It is a message of the compassion, the empathy and goodwill that will stand us in good stead over the coming weeks and months ahead. The list gets too long to name everyone, but you know who you are, and we will through our newsletter, working with ADC/MDC, News Journal & 103.2 get as many shout outs as we can.
The #ppe4nhs campaign started in Mansfield & Ashfield and has raised upwards of 100,000 items since its slow beginnings but has now achieved regional exposure. There has been a brilliant effort from many of our businesses.
I would like to thank Mansfield 103.2 and the News Journal for their continued support throughout the crisis helping us get out messages of thanks and support when needed as well as sharing some lighter stories to keep our spirits up.
As we now are in the very early stages of transition from lockdown to changes in exercising, meeting others and starting back to work, remember please my earlier comments of working together.
There are people out there who can help owners/leaders to plan for staff returns. There are businesses in our community fully equipped to support your needs. There are coaches and mentors who can help you and your staff with change, with process, with reorganisation of the workplace. We have H&S experts who can help with risk assessments, HR, Finance, Marketing and Digitalisation.
Do not feel this is another chore, ask for help if you feel you need it and we will do our best to signpost you or assist.
Finally, I would like to thank ADC/MDC for their efforts to bring some joy to the communities on VE Day. Under very different circumstances the day went very well for many with some relief from the restrictions whilst keeping social distancing at the fore.
Have a great weekend, be excited about next week, but above all;
Be safe
Gary Jordan
Mansfield & Ashfield 2020 Chairman
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