As we end the third week of June with a little dampness in the weather preventing us enjoying the outside world as we have done in recent weeks, I reflect on how much is happening around the business and the wider local community.
June has been a very busy month for team M&A 2020, especially for Ella McManus who works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that we give you the most up to date and relevant signposting of information, to keep members abreast of great stories from the local communities, ensuring our Q+A sessions and new VC JUST Networking sessions run as smoothly as possible and to continue with our office infrastructure improvements.
We have a great programme of Q+A’s, workshops, networking events and our monthly VC breakfast meetings planned through June and July and do hope that more of you can find the time to engage with both the M&A 2020 team and your peers.
Some of you will have seen Elizabeth Orridge on BBC East Midlands Today this week talking about her charitable efforts during some tough times for her business.
Well done for exceeding your target of £1,000 for the John Eastwood hospice.
Lizzie is not alone in what she has been doing and as such, I continue to ask that If you know anyone in the Mansfield and Ashfield area who is worthy of a shout out let us know so we give them due recognition.
We are currently seeking comments from businesses and customers alike on how the ease of lockdown restrictions is/is not impacting on them.
From this intelligence we can then plan what else would potentially assist our members to get up and running at sustainable levels.
A part of the work we do at M&A 2020 is to promote engagement between businesses and academia at all levels.
Would anyone from our membership be prepared to do a short video of themselves or their workplace that we could offer up to local school’s careers persons to begin a programme of future involvement with your potential employees of the future?
If interested, then please contact us on the addresses below.
[email protected] or
[email protected].
Have a great weekend
Gary Jordan
Mansfield & Ashfield 2020 Chairman
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