I am sure many 2020 Members will remember my beautiful wife and soulmate Carol or Cazi as she was known to her many friends, as you will know I lost my Cazi to breast Cancer in 2013 and since that time I have dedicated myself to raising funds to support Cancer Research UK in its vital research into fighting Breast Cancer. Cazi used to support the 2020 Board and many of you will remember her as she used to book Members in at Breakfast meetings for many years.
This year I have decided to take on the 26.2 mile Cancer Research Shine Night Walk Marathon for a fifth time this September and have just started my training again, I am a glutton for punishment!, by the time I cross the finish line this year I will have walked a total of around 2,500 miles including all my training since first taking on Shine back in 2014 that’s the equivalent of walking from here to Quebec in Canada!
This year as it will be twenty years since Cazi and I got together, I wanted to mark the occasion with something special so I decided to also organise a Fundraising Ball to raise further funds to support Cancer Research UK in it’s vital ongoing research into tackling Secondary Breast Cancer, so this is a real challenge for me.
Everything is now in place and my “Shine 4 Cazi Ball 2018” will be held on Saturday 6th October, 2018 at The Derbyshire Hotel commencing at 7pm. It should be a great event there will be Welcome drinks on arrival, a 3 course meal followed by tea/coffee and mints, top class entertainment with a Live Band and DJ, a Raffle and Auction. The Derbyshire have also offered discounted rates on accommodation if any guests want to stop overnight. Tickets are now available at £48 per person, and anyone booking a table for ten people will be entered into a prize draw on the night to win £100 for their table.
I am seeking Sponsors for the Ball and have a number of Sponsorship opportunities available.
If you feel you would like to support my 2018 Fundraising activities and help to bring forward the day when we beat Breast Cancer and create a lasting legacy in Cazi’s memory please get in touch.