Monday 5th October – until 5.00pm Monday 2nd November 2020
A public consultation on these documents was held in March 2020 but was paused due to the pandemic. This consultation extends the opportunity for local residents and organisations to give their views. Responses to the March consultation have been considered and incorporated as appropriate into the masterplans.
Comments are invited on the Draft Kirkby Town Centre Spatial Masterplan – Shaping Kirkby’s Future, and also the Draft Stations Masterplan (Kirkby and Sutton Parkway).
The proposed Kirkby Town Centre Spatial Masterplan will replace the Masterplan for Kirkby in Ashfield (and Sutton in Ashfield) undertaken by ARUP in 2007. The updated document aims to provide a high-level framework for future investment and development which maximises the opportunities for Kirkby and capitalises on its existing assets. In particular it:
The Masterplan is not inflexible or prescriptive, and it is not intended to provide detailed projects or design solutions. Nor does it represent a commitment to funding by the District Council.
Ashfield District Council is seeking public feedback on proposed new plans to allow the Kirkby and Sutton Parkway station locations to respond positively to the benefits of potential plans to reopen the disused Maid Marian Line for passenger trains. As part of the plans, the two stations could receive significant upgrades, which would include improving accessibility. It is hoped that the railway line link could link with the proposed HS2 station at Toton, meaning travellers in Kirkby and Sutton could access the high speed route.
The Station Masterplans in particular:
The Masterplans are not inflexible or prescriptive, and are not intended to provide definitive projects or design solutions. Nor does it represent a commitment to funding by the District Council. Please note that the Masterplans document should be read in conjunction with the Maid Marian Line Economic Impact Analysis report -Ashfield Benefits report June 2020.
Statement of document availability
Comments can be made up until 5.00pm on Monday 2nd November 2020. The documents are available to view on the District Council’s website at
Consultation Responses
As part of the consultation, a prize draw of £100 will be offered to one lucky respondent who completes the consultation comment form. The winner will be drawn at random.
Comments can be made by either:
o Emailed to: [email protected], or
o Posted to: Forward Planning, Ashfield District Council, Council Offices, Urban Road, Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 8DA.
Responses will be made public and a summary of the main issues raised from the Consultation and how those issues have been addressed will be made available on the Council’s website in accordance shortly after the close of the consultation.
Further information:
Further information, or advice, can be obtained by telephoning the Forward Planning Team on 01623 457381 / 457382 / 457383 or by emailing [email protected]