Dear Nottinghamshire Businesses,
We’ll soon be drafting a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) for Nottinghamshire and Nottingham, in collaboration with the county’s bus operators. This stems from the government’s recently published National Bus Strategy (called ‘Bus Back Better’), which requires all English local transport authorities to work with bus operators to come up with bold plans for improving their local bus services and encouraging more people to use them. Government has pledged £3 billion in funding across the country to help deliver these plans, and Nottinghamshire and Nottingham is aiming to secure a fair share of that funding.
As an important input to the plan, we want to find out what people think would improve local bus services and what would make them use local buses more. As well as hearing from those who use the bus and those that don’t, we also want to hear from public, private, and voluntary organisations in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire who have an interest in making our bus services work better.
Please complete the survey using the link below:
Bus service improvement plan survey | Nottinghamshire County Council
Your views will help us shape our plan, so thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.
In addition, the County Council are planning to host an online Drop In session at 2pm on Tuesday 24th August providing stakeholders with an opportunity to reflect on the issues in more detail; any organisation that responds to this survey will be invited to attend.

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