Mark Scattergood-Cawar of the Feather Partnership is helping to support Ashfield District Council’s Spring Clean this year through Kirkby Rotary Club.
Kirkby Rotary Club are looking for people to support their work and hoping that you can ‘do your bit’ to help make Kirkby look an even brighter place.  Can you spare just a couple of hours on Monday 18th February?
Mark and other Kirkby Rotary Club members will be litter picking from 10am -3pm on the main High Street in Kirkby from the ADC offices up to Morrisons and back.
Your support would be really appreciated and Mark would post on the Ashfield District Council website/Facebook and Kirkby Rotary that you/your business is helping to make Kirkby an even better place by being part of the team to help with the clean-up of the town centre streets.
Any support would be greatly appreciate!   You can contact Mark on 07527 313936

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