Whether you love it or hate it, the BBC Apprentice is back on our screens from October 2nd, and here at Xposure, we will be running our online Apprentice game again.
It’s free to play and you too can be Lord Sugar as you choose who will be fired each week. Play along with friends and work colleagues and see who can spot the blaggers and blow-hards from those with serious business acumen. There are no prizes, just bragging rights with your colleagues.
This is a game we have devised ourselves and have been playing it in the office for over 7 years now. During that time we have amended and tweaked the rules until we are satisfied we have a winning formula. This year though we are throwing it out to everyone to have a go. Using our expertise and online marketing technology we have programmed the game on to our website so everyone can play along. Using marketing automation software, Google sheets and email marketing, the game is now based in the cloud for anyone to join us and play along.
To play all you need to do is pick who you think will be fired this week. You have until 8 pm on Wednesday evening to choose and get your answer in. You will receive email reminders before the show to pick your loser and a follow-up email with the results your score and position in the league.
If you enjoy the Apprentice, then join in. It’s great fun and adds an extra element to the show.
Join in here: https://xposurecreative.uk/apprentice-game-2019/
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