You Can Do Sport is partnering with Queen Elizabeth’s Academy, Mansfield to launch a brand-new Football Academy for the Mansfield area from September this year.
You are cordially invited to join them for the launch of You Can Do Sport Football Academy, Mansfield at Queen Elizabeth Academy. You Can Do Sport to deliver a unique, and unrivalled Football Academy programme to young students in the local and surrounding area.
Details are: Monday 29th April Time – 6-7.30pm Location – Queen Elizabeth Academy, Mansfield
There will be a football trials happening with our coaches, former professional footballers, Andy Reid, Gary Charles and Ian McParland, as you arrive which you are welcome to watch from the Pavilion. This will be followed by a presentation from the delivery partners in the main hall. We would be most grateful if you could RSVP asap to Natalia of You Can Do Sport Ltd at [email protected].